Active Studies

meditator with sun behind

Varieties of Meditation Study

 While mindfulness meditation has been widely studied, many other Buddhist-based meditation practices remain underexplored. This study aims to understand the different meditation styles practiced in the U.S. and how variations in technique, frequency, and experience may impact psychological processes.


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What's Involved?

This is a one-time, anonymous survey that takes about 45-60 minutes to complete. You’ll be asked to:

• Characterize the main types of meditation you have practiced
• Estimate how often you meditate and how many hours you have done it
• Report your experiences, thoughts, and feelings in several questionnaires


Potential Benefits

   By participating, you may gain insight into your own meditation practice. Your responses will also help researchers broaden scientific understanding of meditation, which could lead to a more hollistic view of the role of meditation, improved recommendations for practitioners, educators, and healthcare providers.

   However, the study is not designed to provide you any specific benefits.

Potential Risks

   This study poses very minimal risk. Some questions may prompt self-reflection on your meditation practice, thoughts, or emotions which could bring up unexpected feelings.

   Participation is entirely voluntary, and you may exit the survey at any time.

Start the Survey! 

For questions regarding this study, please email our lab:


Principle Investigator: Dr. John Edwards
School of Psychological Science
2950 SW Jefferson Way, Reed Lodge
Corvallis, OR 97331-2212
IRB Approved: #HE-2024-973